Posts tagged cream glassware
[Unedited] Glassblowing in 1st Person

It's rare to see the process of glassblowing and even more unusual to get to see the it from the artisan's perspective.

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Glassmaking Process - Lucky Break Bowls

The glassblowing is mysterious. To show off the properties that make the material so fun, we documented the entire process of making one object.

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Lucky Break Color System

This project is an exploration into how chance influences the design process. Instead of carefully composing the pattern for each bowl, we developed a system for randomly selecting and applying colored shards and thin glass strings to the outer layer of the molten glass. It’s a perfect balance between engineering and Japanese Wabi-Sabi.

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Chance as a Tool for Design?

For our latest project, the Lucky Break drinking glass, we’ve been exploring chance and asking the question, “can we use chance as a tool in the design process?”

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